

>Don - My wife's throt pain begins in the lower part of her neck and spreads
>upwards to involve the back of her throat, teeth & jaw, and tongue. It has
>changed a little over time. She used to emphasize that her "tongue was on
>Now she is more likely to say, "All my teeth hurt." Repeated dental
>consultations have failed to reveal a dental cause.
>      Thanks for your interest.            Bob Howard
>Bob Howard, occasionally known formally as:
>Robert B. Howard <[log in to unmask]>
>1320 Wisconsin St.
>Hudson, WI 54016
>Voice phone (714) 386 3596
My Dad has complained for several years now that his feet feel like they are
on fire.  He has been to MANY doctors searching for relief.  In fact, that
is how he was diagnosed with PD.  He has a tremor in one leg also.  He went
to a neuro hoping to get help with the "burning".  Instead he was diagnosed
with PD and told that the burning had no relation to PD.  I searched the
archives several months ago and there was numerous mentions of a burning
sensation however it seems no one has been able to convince their neuro that
it is related to PD.
Dad also has sharp pains in his legs and recently spent a couple of days in
the hospital complaining of a sharp pain in his lungs.  They found no reason
for the problem and eventually said it must be a pulled muscle and sent him
home.  It finally stopped as far as I know.
Nancy Walker