

Hi folks,
This is the first of several forthcoming notes that will keep you
informed about the move of PARKINSN to a new computer and new software.
The move should be completed by Friday, March 29, 1996.
We will have new addresses for our server and for posting to the list.
I'll post these shortly.
The powers that be have decreed that we must change our name to
PARKINSN-L.  Judy Norris, co-owner of our list, is engaged in discussions to
reverse this decision and I will let you know the outcome.
So fasten your seatbelts.  Things may be rocky for awhile, and there may
be service interruptions.
The good news is that we still have a list.  For some months the word was
that our site would no longer be hosting lists.  Then it was decided that
there would be lists, but we would use Majordomo software.  That changed
when it was discovered that Majordomo couldn't handle the large lists
like ours.  Now we're moving to a UNIX machine and we will be using
version 1.8b of LSOFT's LISTSERV for UNIX.
I'll keep you posted as things happen.