

Many of you have heard of the undernet channel #parkinsons.
A number of people from the mail list visit every day along
with a few who do not subscribe to the list. The conversation
can range from silly to serious, from the day's events to
aspects of Parkinsons to what's for dinner tonight.
The afternoon of the 19th started like any other.
I joined the channel after my wife left to teach her
pottery class. Nobody was on the channel except me, so i
spent some time wondering around the web while I waited=20
for the others to arrive. What follows is a greatly edited
copy of the log of that afternoon. After the events were
over, they seemed funny. Lines begining ">" are my part
of the conversation. Lines begining with a time in brackets
are what others typed. I have added comments (lines starting
with =3D=3D> ) to make things clear.
#parkinsons buffer saved on Tue Mar 19 22:11:57 1996
=3D=3D> lines removed to shorten mail
> see if you can receive a file......
[19:09] <Memzer> ok
> do you know how to zip/unzip a file?
[19:10] <Memzer> yes, but I don't currently have pkunzip on the=20
[19:10] <Memzer> ziping a file is questionable...never done before
> Hmmmm...will send file now, pkunzip later :)
[19:12] <Memzer> ok
> what you are going to see is a window asking ya to accept/reject a=20
  send request
[19:12] <Memzer> ok
> ok, that is a ziped file containing an irc primer...lots of goodies=20
  some technical stuff
[19:16] <Memzer> ok, I will read it later :)
> now, let me see if i have pkzip in sendable form
> brb
[19:17] <Memzer> ok we will be here when you get back
[19:18] <Memzer> How is Kristine doing?
[19:19] <Memzer> Tell her I say Hi :) *hugs*
> kg is teaching pottery class tonight
[19:20] <Memzer> having fun huh?
> yep...lonesome, but having fun (if ya mean me)
[19:23] <Memzer> Keith just came in
[19:23] <Memzer> Had a not so good day
> sorry ta hear that...mine wasna so hot either.....You know I have=20
[19:25] <Memzer> yes I know
>  do you know what PD is?
[19:26] <Memzer> no what is PD
> Parkinsons occurs when some cells in the brain stop producing=20
  the chnical that allows one nerv to talk to another (simple/short=20
> chnical=3Dchemical
[19:28] <Memzer> ok
[19:29] <Memzer> that is easy to understand
> at first, this results in a feeling of always being tired
[19:30] <Memzer> tired as in not having very much energy?
> later, you have to work hard to do simple things (fastening=20
  buttons)  right, no energy
[19:31] <Memzer> oh ok it works on your reactions some?
> next, one hand/arm begins to shke slightli...usually  the opposite=20
  hand from the one you write with...yes reactions/movement is=20 moveing through jello
> balance is off....facial expression (smiles) dissapear....the person=20
  is constantly loking down
> these are general symptoms...different for each person...also,=20
  speech becomes soft and slured
[19:35] *** Memzer has quit IRC (Ping timeout for Memzer[dial3hcn.])
=3D=3D> the above usually means the person has exceeded a time limit.
=3D=3D> I did not think anything was fact, my sister may=20
=3D=3D> have been caught in a net split or, she may have been =3D=3D>=20
disconnected and not aware of either case, she could see =3D=3D>=
my name on her screen and could get no response to her messages
[20:25] *** Newton_ ([log in to unmask]) has joined #parkinsons
[20:25] <Newton_> Hi Pup.
> hi newt :)
> how are things?
[20:26] <Newton_> Ok, I made it through my 12 day, rest of the=20
   week is downhill:)
[20:26] <Newton_> 12 hour day
[20:27] <Newton_> How about yourself?
> doin ok...trying to locate info about St. Giles......ran accross=20
  mention on the i've got an itch :)
[20:30] <Newton_> Tell me about your quest.
> Giles appears to be a popular english first quest, just=20
  curious...i knw there is a plae in Scotland by that name....trying=20
  find out who/what St. Giles was/is
[20:34] *** Newton_ has quit IRC (Read error to Newton_[dp-2-4.iglo]: Connection reset by peer)
[20:35] *** Newton_ ([log in to unmask]) has joined #parkinsons
[20:35] <Newton_> I'm back.
> i see....w will be soon
[20:36] <Newton_> I think there is trouble all over the place tonight,=20
   I've been having trouble connecting.
[20:45] <Newton_> Re. your sister, sure beats longdistance rates.
> *chuckle* would you believe she lives an hour from me?
[20:46] <Newton_> Here comes willyr.  No kidding you could almost=20
> and it is long distance :)
> it's amazing what you find when ya start looking...St.Giles got me=20
=3D=3D> ------------lymerick deleted by M. Giles
[20:48] *** W ([log in to unmask]) has joined #parkinsons
[20:48] *** sets mode: +o W=20
> it just so like limericks :)
[20:49] <Newton_> Where is St. Giles?
[20:50] *** willyr ([log in to unmask]) has joined #parkinsons
> I believe it is in Scotland....have not found a specific reference=20
to it's location...yet
> hi willy
[20:51] <willyr> HELLO FELLOWS
[20:51] <Newton_> Hey willyr.
[20:51] <willyr> whats in scotland??
[20:52] <willyr> am i alone?????
> nope, we are communing with the net :)
[20:53] <Newton_> I have a degree in theology, and boxes of texts=20
   to prove it, I might be able to dig up something for you.
[20:53] <Newton_> Sory willyr, slow typist tonight.
[20:53] <willyr> thought the modem had quit again.
[20:53] *** W sets mode: +o willyr=20
> willy, St. Giles.....newton, thanks, that would be helpful
[20:55] <Newton_> What's going on Willyr?
> my cat's aleep with his nose on the f5 key :)
[20:55] <Newton_> :)
[20:55] <willyr> not to much trying to figure what is going on there
> so if something happens.....
[20:55] <Newton_> where?
[20:56] <willyr> with you 2
> talking bout st giles  :)
> small talk :)
> inshort...wasteing bandwith :)
[20:57] <willyr> not too much company tonite??
[20:57] <Newton_> We just got started a couple of minutes before=20
   you came, the net has been crashing a lot tonight.
> na yet
[20:59] <willyr> we have one heck of a wind tonite with a storm=20
   warning from midnight on possible 5-6" of snow
[20:59] <willyr> temp got up to 52 today
[21:00] <Newton_> It's a big system, we were supposed to get=20
   snow so far just a heck of a rain.
> police arived.....
> wanting ta know is i alright!
[21:01] <willyr> whats that about?///
> god.....shaking like a leaf!
[21:02] <Newton_> Why did they come?
> ssiiister pinged oouutton nettt
> called police to determine if iiiiwassallright
> must callllllllllher
[21:03] <willyr> where is kg???
>  god i hat thisiis
*** jiml is on IRC
[21:04] *** jiml ([log in to unmask]) has joined #parkinsons
[21:04] *** W sets mode: +o jiml=20
> kg is teachingggggggclassssssssssss
[21:04] <jiml> Hello all!
> ssssssssssssssorry :(
[21:04] <Newton_> Do you want me to call for you?
> ccnna controlllllllll
> no, will do as soon as sstoooop chaking
[21:05] <Newton_> Hi Jiml.
[21:05] <jiml> hi
[21:05] <willyr> hi jim
[21:05] <jiml> pup having some troubles?
> ok....just scared me shitless!
> willlllllllll bbbbeee oookk
[21:06] <jiml> ok
> brb  must call
[21:07] <jiml> Felons can't vote: they might elect dishonest=20
[21:07] <Newton_> See ya later.
[21:07] <jiml> later
[21:09] <Newton_> Nothing like a little visit from the boys in blue to=20
   get the adrenalin going.
[21:09] <willyr> puts an edge on things!!!
[21:10] <jiml> that aught to do it
[21:10] <jiml> Puddy Tat's are iwelevent =FE Tweety of Borg
[21:11] <jiml> Radiating from the dark side of Mongol...
[21:11] <willyr> newton was pup sister ont the net, i thnk he said=20
   she pinged out
[21:11] <Newton_> A couple of months after I bought this house in=20
   July 93, in a somewhat quiet conservative suburb of Cinti I got a=20
   visit too.
[21:11] <Newton_> Willyr They were talking on IRC a while ago.
> back
[21:12] <Newton_> Before I came on.  Pup described it as a nice=20
   little chat.
[21:12] <willyr> why did you have a visit in 93???  looking for=20
> canna get through...busy
[21:13] <jiml> rats
[21:13] <willyr> everyone OK????
[21:13] <Newton_> No failure to pay the trash collection fee of $50.
[21:13] <jiml> oh no
[21:13] <willyr> you are kidding!!
[21:14] <jiml> Always try to be a little kinder than is necessary.
[21:14] <jiml> things any better pup?
[21:14] <Newton_> In fact it was taken care of in the purchase of=20
   the house but not paid to the village.  Kid thought they were=20
   carting me off to jail. He was bawling at the top of the stairs=20
   they served me.  A great fiasco.
> i think i am better....tremor better
[21:15] <jiml> good
[21:15] <willyr> only in america!!!!
[21:15] <jiml> some excitement
[21:16] <jiml> Petty crime is the scourge of business today.
[21:16] <Newton_> Boy did I make them look stupid in mayors=20
   court.  Charges dismissed at arraignment mandatory court fees=20
   waived.  I had a cheering audience of about 20. It was great.
[21:17] <jiml> Lightning & elephants do as they damn please!
[21:17] <jiml> If I shoot a mime, must I use a silencer?
[21:18] <Newton_> Only if he plugs his ears.
[21:19] <jiml> I bathe regularly. What's your excuse?
[21:20] <willyr> watching a vandam movie hard target getting=20
[21:20] <jiml> Stop me before I post again!
[21:21] <Newton_> What channel Willyr?
[21:22] <willyr> local  city tv  chan 57
[21:22] <Newton_> Darn.
[21:22] <jiml> what service?
[21:22] <willyr> not a re-run for a change
[21:23] <willyr> what do you mean by what service???
[21:23] <jiml> hbo,showtime,wgn?
[21:24] <willyr> antenna!!!!!!!!!!!!
[21:24] <jiml> local station, then
> wait till you hear what happened
[21:24] <Newton_> It's not a network, but local UHF.
[21:24] <willyr> right on
[21:25] <jiml> what happened?
> my sister got caught in a net nick was still on her=20
screen   and i would not respond
> kg had the other phone turned off...i dina know
[21:26] <willyr> i hope you explained about splits!!
[21:27] <Newton_> A conspiracy of events:)
> loll yes....she all but died from embarisment *smile*
[21:27] <willyr> the joys of modern communications!!
> from my end...looked like she pinged out
> still shaking...but is much better :)
[21:29] <jiml> if W comes back will we have to give him opps
[21:29] <Newton_> This is 3 or 4 times in the last hour, bad weather=20
   seems to have an effect.
> no, the net will handle it
[21:29] <jiml> are you back to one phone line, pup?
> no, have had ringer on other line turned off
> will inform her of resulting events *evil grin*
[21:31] *** W ([log in to unmask]) has joined #parkinsons
[21:31] <jiml> you will mention it to her won't you?
[21:31] *** sets mode: +o W=20
* willyr :)
[21:31] <Newton_> I bet.
> *evil chuckle* o yes in deed :)
[21:31] <jiml> Don't blame me - I voted for Perot!
[21:32] <jiml> welcome back W
[21:32] <Newton_> W IS a quiet fellow.
> sorry bout the typing earlier...was a mess :(
[21:32] <willyr> gonna go watch jean claude clean up the bad guys
[21:32] <jiml> no prob
[21:32] <willyr> talkto you all later
> nite willy
[21:33] *** willyr has quit IRC (semper ubi sub ubi)
[21:35] <jiml> OXYMORON : Classic rock
[21:36] <jiml> "Help! I've fallen and can't get up." A. Tree
> nah...oxymoron =3D stupid ox
[21:36] <jiml> Go ahead CBS, give the show to Dave, Rush won't=20
[21:37] <jiml> More people are run down by gossip than by=20
> anyone know if pd caused extreme emotional reaction to crisis?
[21:38] <jiml> maybe you could tell us
> have gone from real giggly to serious depression...reason=20
> change was sudden......unexpected
> tremor is localized in right sholder...hands slow but no=20
[21:41] <Newton_> Not sure but  a release of adrenalin would have=20
   an effect on brain chemistry, not sure if this would be depression.
> feels like depression, but feel no desire to act on not=20
  ahppy.but not unhappy
[21:43] <Newton_> A mood change of the magnitude you describe=20
   would be very rarely seen in psychiatry.
> sad is a better word for it...
[21:44] *** manderwiz ([log in to unmask]) has joined=20
[21:44] *** W sets mode: +o manderwiz=20
[21:44] <Newton_> Hi wiz.
> hi wiz
[21:44] <manderwiz> hi, newt! hi, all.
[21:45] <Newton_> How about drained emotionally?
> yes, that's it...drained...thaks=20
[21:46] <Newton_> Probably comes with the tremendous amt of=20
   energy expended by the incident.
> lack of emotion....funny...that's been rare for me this past=20
  year...have been on way up or down....feels nice
[21:48] <Newton_> Something like one might feel after having been=20
   aroused to 'fighting mad' in the period of detente and recovey=20
[21:49] <jiml> hi wiz
> wiz is probably wondering...i aint got the speed ta tell her :)
[21:50] <jiml> pup had an incident
[21:50] <manderwiz> well..NOW, I'm wonderin, pup!
> lollll
> i needed that *grin*
> my sister was talking ta me on irc
> got caught in split
[21:51] <jiml> did she leave after the split...will she not come here
> my nick was still on her screen
[21:52] <jiml> or will you not let on with us
> i didna respond so.....
> she caalled police
[21:53] <Newton_> She called but KG had turned off the ringer, so=20
   she thought something was wrong with Pup.
> police came...i scared...slight tremor resulted
[21:53] <jiml> did you get a visit
[21:53] <manderwiz> !! good sis!!  needs more instruction on=20
   computer, though <g>
[21:53] <Newton_> What you growin there Pup.:)
[21:53] <manderwiz> hope you got the "stuff" hid in time.... <g>
> lolll
[21:55] <jiml> Please leave deposit in appropriate bank...
> i have......items that kg uses...beam scale......chemicals
[21:55] <Newton_> brb
> bye front door...plain sight
[21:56] <manderwiz> getting even more interesting....
> uses to make coloring for pots
[21:56] <jiml> But I thought YOU did the backups!
> but scale is of type used for......other things :)
[21:57] <manderwiz> and....? (I know you're getting tired of telling=20
[21:57] <jiml> weighing gun powder?
[21:58] <jiml> Moderator Rule #2: You're NOT God.. but don't tell=20
> syring(sp) on table by scale......i over reacted :(
[21:58] <jiml> Does Tech support mean ANYTHING?
> will laugh in early morning :)
[21:59] <manderwiz> when's visiting day at the state pen. down=20
   there? <g>
> rotfl
[22:00] <jiml> Speak the word =FA the word is all of us
[22:00] <jiml> If it flies, floats or flirts -- RENT IT, don't buy it.
> ;) help, i'm lauhing an i cannna get up ;)
[22:00] <manderwiz> should I call for assistance?? ;
[22:00] <jiml> AUTOEXEC.BAT =3D Lee Iacocca as a vampire.
> No! pleaee! na again *gasp*
* manderwiz gives Puppy_ a big *hug*
> *chuckle* i couldna survive  *hugs wiz*
[22:02] <jiml> I'm insured against Acts of God *and* Satan.
[22:02] <jiml> Oxymoron: open-minded conservative.
[22:03] <jiml> A royal Egyptian passing gas is a toot uncommon
[22:03] <manderwiz> aarrrgggghhhhh
[22:04] <jiml> A fool and his money are soon parted.
> the other day at supper...couldna get catsup out of botle...relaxed=20
  and tremor started...out came catsup :)
[22:05] <jiml> handy sometimes
[22:05] <manderwiz> hey, thanks pup!  That's just what I need to=20
   make this supper I "cooked" palatable (sp). brb
> ddo you know why james bond drinks only stured martinis?
> stured=3Dshaken
[22:06] <jiml> why
> is first bartender had PD
[22:06] <jiml> lol
[22:07] <Newton_> :)
[22:07] <manderwiz> :)
[22:07] <jiml> I think I'll call it a night...night all
[22:07] *** jiml ([log in to unmask]) has left #parkinsons
[22:07] <Newton_> Nite
> nite jim
*** jiml has left IRC
> it has been an interesting day :)
[22:10] <manderwiz> how long ago did all this happen, pup?
[22:10] <Newton_> Sure has Pup.
> happened around 21:00
> still a little shakey :)
[22:11] <manderwiz> I think *I'd* still be shakin
End of #parkinsons buffer   Tue Mar 19 22:11:57 1996
I did get through to my sister (thanks to auto redial)....we both had=20
a good laugh over it. I want to thank everyone for thier help...I was=20
more upset at the time than i realized.
Marvin (Puppy)
[log in to unmask]