

I'm a Chinese graduate student in Columbia University. My dad was
diagnosed to have PD about 5 years ago, when he was 58 years old. He has
been  taking L-dopa,whose
effect has been decreasing. He is trying a new drug called Parledol,
which is a dopamine agonist. I'd like to know if it's more benificial to
take these two together, or as I read on the Parkinson's Web, the
combination has a negative effect.(increased mortality)
        I am also thinking about  Pallidotomy for my father. However,
since my dad is in China, and the surgey seems to be more mature in U.S.
and some other countries, I'd like to know if there is any resource to
help finance this kind of surgery in these countries. I don't know if
ther is any kind of insurance which could at least partially cover the
expenses, considering meself is only a visiting student holding a
F-1 visa.Also if anyone knows any facilities that can perform this kind
of surgery in China or other Asian countries which the cost of surgey may
be lower, please let me know.