

In message <[log in to unmask]> Parkinson's Disease - Information
Exchange Network writes:
> At 06:54 AM 3/18/96 -0500, you wrote:
> >>          1. Pain in the throat/jaw/tongue..........................
> Can you describe the location of throat pain in a little more detail (e.g.,
> back of throat, trachea,  etc.)?  Also the yawning... is this a Parkinson's
> thing???  Any ideas what precipitates it.  Is the urge to yawn very strong,
> occuring dozens of times when these episodes start?
> Don
Don - My wife's throt pain begins in the lower part of her neck and spreads
upwards to involve the back of her throat, teeth & jaw, and tongue. It has
changed a little over time. She used to emphasize that her "tongue was on fire."
Now she is more likely to say, "All my teeth hurt." Repeated dental
consultations have failed to reveal a dental cause.
      Thanks for your interest.            Bob Howard
Bob Howard, occasionally known formally as:
Robert B. Howard <[log in to unmask]>
1320 Wisconsin St.
Hudson, WI 54016
Voice phone (714) 386 3596