

Hello everyone:  I've recently been introduced to a new book on
Parkinson's: Parkinson's Disease Questions and Answers.  The book is
written for the Parkinson doctor as well as the patient.  I highly
recommed this very informative book.  The author "doubles" as my
neurologist: Dr. Robert A. Hauser (Associate Professor of Neurology,
University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida) also his colleague and
co-author: Dr. Theresa A. Zesiewicz (Assistant Professor of Neurology).
This book is published by Merit Publishing International and can be
purchased by sending check or money order for $34.95 to:
8260 NW 49 Manor, Pine Grove, Coral Springs, Florida  33067 (Telephone:
305-755-4280, Fax: 305-755-4237). I have read all of the latest books
on Parkinson's but this one is the most up-to-date and thorough.
    Bob Gilman