

Geri DeWitt--the PD version you describe for your dad is exactly what Peter
has--only a mimiscule tremor of right hand when holding spoon,etc, but all the
other symptoms you mentioned. Our understanding is that this is "Type B" PD,
usually found in older patients. Type A is characterized by tremor, dyskinesia,
 widespread fluctuations, on-off, ,very little problem with balance or
falling (two things that bother Type B's.) Those with Type A are most responsiv
e to surgery.
This info is contained in some of the PD books, but I am quoting from a post
on this list by Don Berns, March 22,1995, in which he discussed qualifications
for pallidotomy.  You will find a wealth of info on pallidotomy in the list
archives.(You should have rec'd info how to access them when you joined.)
HOpe you and your dad find answers here to many of your questions, as we all do
Camilla Flintermann,CG for Peter,76/6+yrs, Oxford,OH
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