

Re 1.  My leg cramps(severe)fixed by pallidotomy and thalamotomy. Slight
uncomfortable toe splaying early AM still, but 1xsinemet 250 CR on retiring
Re 2.  I've lost the EMAIL address of the lady who asked for info on changes
to cognitive skills as a result of the brain surgery. My answer is that I
havent noticed any deterioration, but how does a fish tell that water is
wet. I am a bit close to the action to comment.
Re 3.  Some months ago, I changed from MSD(manufacturers)Sinemet to a
generic brand which starts with K. Perhaps it was my imagination, but the
'k' brand seemed harsher coming on and sudden coming off. In spite of the
MSD being dearer I'm back on them, and more comfortable.
Philip Dunn