

Out here inthe Northwest Pickle Ball is a great hit.  All levels  have the
same enjoyment from the game.  I strongly recommend the game to anyone
interested.  Lots of fun
Bill =  [log in to unmask]
At 12:49 AM 3/25/96 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi  to DPY:
>My wife Barbara used to play pickle ball and introduced me to it several
>years back. It is related to tennis, but is uses rules closer to  volley
>ball. At any rate, she had to give it up because she froze too much. However,
>one of the senior players has been active in the sport for years in spite of
>PD, and even participates in the Northern Virginia senior olympics. He says
>he will probably play until he drops. The one major purpose of the game is to
>enjoy it. So, go for it as long as YOU enjoy it, and who cares if you do not
>have the professional stance.