

To respond to recent posts re: NADH, let me begin by intoducing myself.
My name is Martin Bayne. I am 46, in the long-term health care insurance
business (ironic, eh?) and recently diagnosed with stage one PD. (It took
two years to get the correct diagnosis -- and then only because a 75 year
old client with PD insisted I go to the Albany Medical College Movement
Disorder Clinic for evaluation.) Even though I have moderate PD symptoms
at this point in time -- I wanted to delay meds for as long as I could.
My sister recently gave me an article on NADH - a coenzyme found
naturally in all living cells. I contacted the only company that I know
of that sells NADH (http://www.menuco/welcome) and began taking 10 mg.
per day. (two 5 mg. tablets in the morning) Although the pills are not
inexpensive -- a 5 mg. 30-pill blister pack is $80 -- I can report the
NADH has definitely helped reduce many of my symptoms, specifically the
bradykinesia that drives me nuts. If you want the scientific perspective
on the clinical efficacy of NADH, check out articles written by Georg
Birkmayer, MD, PhD, of the Birkmayer Institute for Parkinson's therapy.
To close, I am grateful for this List and its members, and glad to know
I'm only a modem away from an extended hyperspace family.
Martin K. Bayne  EMail= [log in to unmask]