

On Sat., March 23, Nancy Walker wrote -
I for one did not see anything wrong with any posts from Susan.  From
post I can see she was reprimanded by those who have appointed
the moderator of this list.  Susan, just because you may have heard
from a
miniority on the list don't assume the majority agree!
I agree and thank you, Nancy. I, too, saw nothing wrong with Susan's
For those of you who have appointed yourselves as moderators of this
list, I suggest you read the post from Marvin Giles, "I lost it today.
" Being able to openly write about our fears and frustrations and
seek answers to our questions is what the list is all about! I cried
when I read Marvin's post, but it was also reassuring to read Mary
Ann's response. Most people with PD or any other chronic illness, I
suspect, become quite adept at hiding their fears and often even the
humorous posts are often written for this reason.
If we are going to be made feel intimidated and have to worry about
how and where we send our messages, there will not be much point in
having the list, and what a disservice that would be to all of us.
Though I am happy to gain more expertise in this new medium, and I am
sure I will, I did not subscribe to learn to be a computer wizard.
Marshall McLuhan said, " The medium is the message," but in this case
the message is of more importance.
Glad you are feeling better, Marvin - and to Susan, et al, keep those
cards and letters coming.