

                                 RTK.NET Mail 135654   Mar 25 11:07:18 1996
Hello, Sheila.  Welcome to the list.  It can be so important for people with
PD to have family and friends learn more about the disease, especially
when there is a question about the accuracy of the diagnosis or the level
of care they are getting.  I am sending you a long file called "Algorithm
for the Management of Parkinson's Disease".  It's not exactly the "easy
and non-technical" discussion you asked for, but I find it to be fairly
clear.  When you read it, just skim or skip the discussions that don't
address your major concerns and concentrate on the ones that do.
Regarding the accuracy of the diagnosis:  1)  if an MRI has not already
been performed, insist on it, 2) if the MRI is negative, other possible
causes (such as migraine) and treatments of the headaches should be
investigated, especially if she is still getting headaches, and 3) if it's
not clear to you and to her that the Sinemet is having a real impact on
her symptoms, you should definitely question the diagnosis and seek a
second opinion.  The second opinion may be in order anyway.  The fact that
her neurologist will prescribe nothing but Sinemet also concerns me.  It's
not that Sinemet alone might not be the best treatment, but I would expect
a neurologist treating a PD patient to at _least_ be informing her about
Eldepryl, dopamine agonists, anti-depressants (I'd really question any
doctor who didn't bring these up, especially if the patient shows some clear
signs of depression), etc. even if it's only to say, "these are the drugs
that are sometimes used, and this is the reason I don't think it's in your
best interests to take them."  Find out what her present neurologist's
specialty is.  It's really important to find a caring and communicative
neurologist who specializes in PD.
Once again, welcome, you will learn a lot here.
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