

I have been a borderline diabetic for sometime.  I am about a 4 year
diagnosis PD and am taking Ropinerol (I was in a test group and have been
allowed to continue with it on the basis of an FDA exemption).  By the way,
my doctor (Dr. O'Brien from Colorado Neurological Center in Denver) expects
Ropinerol to be released soon.  It is a super drug -- at least for me.  No on
and off problems. Minimal deterioration the last 4 years and minimal side
effects.  I understand that they are releasing the results of my study
sometime this week in San Francisco.
       I am taking Ropinerol (7 mg X 3.  I am also taking Eldepryl (5 mg X 2)
and Glucotrol (2.5 mg X 2((for the borderline diabetes).  I have not been
particularly good in dealing with the diabetes, but can see that I need to in
light of the possible connection. I was borderline before my PD diagnosis and
Ropinerol.   As a recovering alcoholic (18 years) and with PD -- I have had
trouble dealing with the added problem of diabetes.  But I have been aware of
the connection with edema in the ankles and burning, etc.  Guess I need to go
back to the Serenity Prayer and get with it.  In the past, I have always been
able to bring my blood sugar back to an acceptable range if I behaved for a
few days.  I realize I am not always going to be that lucky.  Thanks for the
wakeup call.  I am 61 years old.  PettifogJS @AOL Com (Jack Stanfield,
Laramie, Wyoming).