

ThaT'S A BEAAUTIFUL letter, but no, she didn't agree to cosign the bill. We
can all advise you, but your best bet would be to get it direct from the
experts.  Call the Parkinson's Action Network (PAN) 1-800-850-4726.  Ask for
Michael or Dyan.  They are both working for Joan Samuelson helping us all to
pass the "Udall Bill".
My thanks to you - as a Parkinsonian  I and all other "Parkies" for your
efforts.  It's amazing how many Parkies are woefully dispaired over their
curse, but don't muster up the effort to contact their Senators and
congressmen.  Those on this list are mostly great advocates for the cause.
Don't let up, keep up the good fight!
                                                   Maryhelen Davila