

In the words of the old Lucky Strike Hit Parade theme song, "That's all for
a while".  I'll be signed off for about a month.  Two "rush" projects just
landed on my desk in addition to all those regular matters that have to be
finished before the annual academic conference I have to attend in April.
At least this year it's in Hawaii (hooray! we've never been to Hawaii even
though have sailed around the world twice).  Don is able to go with me,
and we'll take vacation time after the conference.
I'll be reading individual e-mail until we leave (April 10), so contact me
that way if necessary, esp. if anyone wants the info. we have about
thalamic stimulation surgery.
I'll miss all these messages.  Should I say "Don't do anything interesting
until we get back"?  No, better not.
Good wishes, good "vibes" to everyone out there.  Hang in there.  Plan for
tomorrow.  Live for today.  Try not to worry.  Don't borrow trouble.
And that exhausts my list of cliches for today.
Joanne Sandstrom
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