

This is from 2 years experience caring for a PSP patient, which
is similiar to end stage PD:
Difficult swallowing now is related to being "off" meds.
We get 12+ hours of a frozen sleeply state.
AVOID CAUSES: Being "off" meds, lack of mouth exercise
              * c/l-dopa dose spaced no farther than 4-6 hours apart
              * Chew gum often
              * Do Silverman-type voice exercise:
                = say "ah-h" loud and long
                = low to hi sounds: "eh-e-ei-eii"
                = common phrases: "Good morning"...
SOFT FOODS:   * Most recommend crushing pills in apple sauce
                Often that's drooly.
              * BANANAS seem better at her stage to stimulate
                mouth to chew and swallow pills.
BRUTE FORCE:  * Sometimes, after she's had a long rest (12 hours),
                I can manually open her mouth with my hands.
                Somtimes I pry it open with a flat plastic comb
                handle or tablespoon. Push them in flat, turn,
                and pull out. Then, by experience, banana or grapes
                work best to stimulate chewing. Once she swallows
                I get a few pill in and more fruit.
              * If she stops chewing and swallowing, I pry the
                mouth open with a tablespoon and scoop out the pills
                to give later. She goes back to bed.
              * Interestingly, she will urinate on the commode and
                follow verbal commands to move limbs while in a
                non-swallowing half-frozen state.
 |       @..@        A.J. CONOVALOFF                                 |
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