

This is Chuck, CG for Joyce 52/12/pallidot in 52 days asking for comments re
strange things Joyce has done in past 24 hours.
Extreme leg/foot/toe freezing/stiffness/muscle spasms during past 15 days.
 Normal meds in this case in addition to normal pd meds. incl up to 6 Ativan
+  up to 3/day of Percocet 5's.
She has taken the full amounts and maybe even a few more Ativan's each day.
current situation
Yesterday was an absolutly PERFECT day, from early morn til about 9PM without
any symptoms.  WOW  is this wat it wil be like after the Pallid??  no Ativan
 no Percocet!!
just a wonderful day.
Last evening, I was out of the family room...Joyce called me to "keep my
mother company while she left the room"   MOM WAS NOT IN MY HOUSE.   Joyce
insisted she was sitting and talking together.   After calming her, she said
she might have fallen asleep and we chalked it up to a nice dream.   BUT
This morning,  her sneakers were found in the oven... Her wallet was strewn
during the day she removed the Mr. Coffee pot and   cooked  it on the oven
melting all the plastic..while she was watching it.   She doesnt remember a
thing about these things.
Has anyone else been through this...Ive checked with both the therapist who
thinks it is a buildup of the Ativan and the covering neuro who thinks it may
require additional Clozapin !! Sort of each passing the buck.  (I guess they
dont like being  "annoyed"  they guys on a Friday night)
We will be extra carefull until Monday till our "real" guys are back in the
Your comments re these stange symptoms will be most apprecated)