

Happy Sunday, gang;
I came across this web-site review from Point Communications while
surfing this morning (less traffic), and thought it could be of
interest to many.  Collaboration - what a concept!
I haven't yet dug into it for references to PD, but even if there's
not much there now, it looks like it would be worth watching for new
developments - re PD and all sorts of other challenges.
As they say out in the trenches, be well.
your sister Parkie in Paradise
who suffered 6" of rain on one weekend a couple of weeks ago, and is
now finally dry.
Content:        40/50
Presentation:   28/50
Experience:     32/50
When it comes to, say, endocrinology, getting publicly available
health information is now much easier with resources like HealthWeb.
This collaboration of medical libraries aims to provide a
topically-oriented guide to medicine.
For example, Indiana University takes care of oncology with
information about clinical trials and online publications (like Cancer
Surveys). Other schools chip in for other areas (saving us the trouble
of springing for a textbook on nuclear medicine).
Not every category is working yet, but most have libraries working on
them. It's an ambitious venture but one that truly demonstrates the
promise of professional collaboration on the Net.
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