

Perhaps the disruptions of the autonomic neural and hormonal and chemical
system by Parkinsonian and diabetic and other immune system disorders cause
the burning feet and/or restless leg symptoms.

The dystonia muswcle pains/cramps seem similar - whether located in toes,
foot, calf, jaw, tongue, larnyx, pharynx, neck, shoulder, et cetera.
However, the size of the hyper-tonic muscle is important to the amount of
pain produced.  The duration of the hyper-tension (hyper-tonia) is also
important. And, the deformation (strain) caused by the unbalanced stresses
in the muscles is also important in creating the level of pain felt.

Unfortunately, it is also true that repetitive stressing and strains and
deformations with injury weaken the structure - and sensitize the pain
receptors.  Adding to this is our learned expectation that the early
indications of such an episode become anxiety initiators of "It's starting
to cramp again!!" -- and this recognition actually dumps the hormones and
neurotransmitters into the system which dys-functions (does not properly
respond - one or more diseases) -- and my inability to relax
inappropriately increases the tension, stress, strain, pain (cycle).

ron      1936, dz PD 1984
Ronald F. Vetter <[log in to unmask]>