

>Dear Michael: I a intrested in learning moe about the trial of
>OPC 14117. I live in Rockville and, at the age of 43, have been diagnosed
>with PD for a little over two years. I presently take Parnate (MAO A & B
>inhibitor) plus vits C and E.
>What is OPC 14117 and by what mechanism does it purport to function?
>Best regards,


Thanks for your interest in our studies. The fact that you are local,
young, and mild makes you an excellent potential candidate.

OPC is a free radical scavenger which is designed to limit the oxidation of
dopamine in the brain.  To apply for the study, ask your doctor or
neurologist to send us a letter of referral and your records to us. (The
address is on the earlier posting). Generally, you must have taken
antiparkinsonian medication for no more than 6 months to enter. There is
some leeway in this calculation, however. If you have any questions, feel
free to call us, or simply send in the referral and we will contact you.
Again, thanks for your interest.

Michael Tierney, M.A.