

Students at UNBC have no access to free Learning Disabilities services.
Last year, we managed to get one person assessed for free by Voc Rehab.
But 1500 dollars is much more than our students pay; $800 is more common.

Having seen LD reports from Ontario to BC, i'd say that the testing
itself is seldom valid enough for a teacher to act on decisively. The
testing must be complemented with one-to-one work with the student
("dynamic assessment").

Then, is there someone qualified and available to work with the LD student?

In conclusion, formal testing is only one part of the mix.

(Too bad you couldn't have made it to CCCC last week: the Canadian
contingent had a couple of excellent meals out on the town, gave a good
presentation, and generally had a good time.)

Jim Bell                                Ph. (604) 960-6365
Learning Skills Centre                  Fax (604) 960-6330
University of Northern BC               email [log in to unmask]
3333 University Way
Prince George, BC
Canada  V2N 4Z9