

Ron Reiner ([log in to unmask]) 48 + 7mos PD wrote:
<<I (as well as a lot of other recent diagnosees ) am making every attempt
to delay starting Sinemet as long as possible.  Am I deluding myself?

Have there been any formal studies on this issue?>>

There are few formal studies - and there will be none that are not
confounded by the use of varying dose and added medications that cover a
number of years.

I consider it foolish to delay use of the only available medication that
does the best job by far in replacing the deficit in neurotransmitter
dopamine.  Ron is not the only Parkinsonian doing this delaying - and there
seem to be numerous advocates that recite that deprenyl or some other
expensive pill was sufficient to reduce symptoms allowing delay in starting

The minimization of medication amount always makes sense.  (This is from
the patient's point of view.  NOTA BENE:  the drug manufacturer is in
business to maximize his income. Let the buyer beware!)

I challenge the drug companies or the pharmacists or clinicians to present
the data that show any benefit in using any other drug first or in delaying
the usage of levodopa.  (I anticipate no response.)

ron      1936, dz PD 1984
Ronald F. Vetter <[log in to unmask]>