

>Does anyone have a problem with or a solution for continual ringing in the
>ears or head.
>Happy Easter
>Bonne Klompstra         I'd rather have a free bottle in front of me than
>Sombra, Ontario         a prefrontal labotomy.   --Tom waits
>   Hi:   I just read your posting re "ringing ears".   My wife has
parkinsons' but does not have that problem.   However, I am not a
parkinsons, patient and I have had ringing ears for twenty five years or
more. When I first encountered this problem I went to the doctor and he sent
me for an E.E.G and then to an ear specialist.   Nothing was resolved  and
there seemed to be no reason for the problem.  Over the years it has
subsided a bit until a month ago , and now they ring like they did before.
It is really noticeable at night when things are quiet>   I have not seen a
doctor about it this time.   It would be interestingto hear from  you if you
find out any cause or solution.  I'm assuming in your case it developed
since the onset of PD.  Bob    [log in to unmask]