

Current Science Reviews        by Joe Bruman       April 1996 (part 2)

PDF Newsletter, Spring 1996:1:
The new dopamine agonist Pramipexole was submitted for FDA approval.

PDF Newsletter, Spring 1996:2:
Summary of Olanow's Dec 95 paper, and Fahn's comments on Eldepryl.

Science News; 30 Mar 1996:204 (news item):
A new stereotactic surgery technique uses a pellet guided by powerful
magnets, instead of a rigid probe, to perform the same functions as the
latter with less injury to tissue on the path. Clinical trials hoped to
begin next year.

Wall Street Journal, 21 Mar 1996 (news item):
Amgen Inc.'s Glial-Cell-Line Derived Neurotrophic Factor (GDNF) has
reversed PD symptoms in MPTP monkeys; human tests planned in several

BMJ, 16 Mar 1996:702-705:
Collection of several answers (pro and con) to the attack on Eldepryl in
that journal of 16 Dec 1995.

Ben-Shlomo Y; BMJ, 16 Mar 1996:724:
Similarities in etiology of PD, AD, and ALS (motor neuron disease).
Discussion of genetics, environment, and smoking.

Djalderti R, Melamed E; Ann Neur 1996;39:400-404:
A hindrance to levodopa absorption is its poor solubility. A new
precursor, levodopa ethylester (LDEE) injected subcutaneous or intra-
muscularly is well tolerated, reduces on-off fluctuations, and avoids
side effects of oral administration.

Kushleika J et al; Ann Neur 1996; 39:378-381:
Selegiline (Eldepryl) increases two forms of superoxide dismutase (SOD),
a natural antioxidant enzyme, and thus should retard progression of PD.

Date I et al; J Neurosurg 1996;84:685-689:
When a peripheral nerve is cut the distal stump tries to regrow by
producing Nerve Growth Factor (NGF). A section of nerve from a late-
stage PD patient's leg was cografted with tissue from the adrenal
medulla, into the bilateral caudate nuclei. The patient's akinesia
improved, and on her death after a year from unrelated causes, autopsy
revealed that the graft had thrived, due to the new technique.

J. R. Bruman (818) 789-3694
3527 Cody Road
Sherman Oaks CA 91403