

From: [log in to unmask]  (Rosemary Russell-No.Little Rock,Arkansas)
        I can't believe the response I' ve received from my message.  You
have no idea (or maybe you do) how much it helps to communicate with others
who understand PD.  I am especially touched by the concern and sincerity of
everyone.  Thank you all so much...especially Joe, Hugh Peoples, Seese, Ron
R., Sherri Cave, Nancy, Kathie, & most of all, Barb.      To answer a few
questions,  I have done a great deal of research & attended a few seminars in
the last year and a half and learned a lot--mainly that many things depend on
your own particular doctor's view.  Thus,  we are one group that must stay
self-informed on the latest medicines and research.
                                                     As for as a YOPD group
in my area, there is none that I know of in Ark.  However, my neurologist
wants me to start one.  I'm currently involved in writing my thesis, but am
really interested in starting one when I'm through--hopefully by Jan. 1997.
                         I hope no one thought I was feeling sorry for
myself...I really havn't reached that point-yet!  Actually, I feel somewhat
lucky not to have been diagnosed with one of many things which are much
worse.  ( I may feel different on down the road.)        What I mainly feel
concerning the disease is frustration-that my body can't do what my mind
wants to do.  Regarding the fatigue/weakness, my Dr. says it is very
common-esp. with young-onset PD.  I think it may be partly because it is so
difficult to adjust if you are younger and have been a very active, always
on-the-go type person.                                 Anyway, I hope I can
contribute to the list at times, and help others as you have all helped me.
 Thanks again-    Rosemary Russell ([log in to unmask]) NLR, Ar.