

Boy, am I ever glad you asked "WHAT"S THE MO UDALL BILL?" !!     Here goes..

'[m really excited and thankful you
are interested in knowing what the "Udall Bill" is. There's a nationwide
efffort to get as many Congressmen & Senators to supporting the"Udall bill"
by  adding their name as "cosignator" on the bill, so we can get it passed
this year (wee've been at it - 2nd year now).! Let me tell you about the bill

The he "Udall" bill and the "Mo Udall" or the "Parkinsons" bill are all short
names for the
NUMBER S684 AND HR 1462". In summary (I took this inf. off a  summary inf.
sheet from
PAN .. I'll tell you about t PAN along the way...

The Morris K.Udall bill Parkinson's Research and Education Act was introduced
on April 6,
1995 by Senator Mark O. Hatfield (Republidcan - Oregon) and Congressman Henry
Waxman (Democrat-California). The bill will:

        . Authorize finding of $100 million to the National Institute of Health for
        . Expand basic and clinical research rch into Parkinsons and coordinate the
.        Establish Morris K. Udall Pariihsons research Centers across the country.
        . Establish Morris K. Udall Excellence Awards.
        .Establish a Parkinsons databank and information clearinghouse and.
        . establish a national Pakinson's Disease Education Program.

Morris K. Udall:
The bill is named in honor of former Arizona Congressman Mo Udall who served
 the House
from 1961-90. Diagnosed with Parkinsons in 1978, Mr. Udall was forced to
retire due to
Parkinson's complications and is now living in a long-term hospital facility
in Washington.  As
Chairman of the then-House Interior Committee, Mo was widely respected for
the ability
to steer such controversial legislation as the Alaska Lads bill as the
Surface Mining bill
through a contentious Congress by being able to charm, cajole, and outwit his
Congressman Udall contended for the Democratic nomination for President in
1976 and,
although he finished second to Jumpy Carter he gained widespread respect and
affection for
his grace and courage. His determination to live a full and vigorous life
even though afflicted
with Parkinsons has gained him further admiration.

The strong need for the Act
Parkinsons (PD) and related disorders afflict as many as 1.5 million
Americans approximately
40 percent t are undoor the age of 60. The cause of PD is no6 known at this
time. What is
know is the cells producing dopamine is(a neurochemical) inexplicably
Persons afflicted with PD suffer uncontrollable tremors, muscle stiffness,
and a loss of motor
fu tion. Eventually, PD renders it's victims uncaple of caring for
themselves, place a
tremendous toll n the vi  victims, their families and loved ones,  It is
estimated that the disease
costs society nearly $25 billion annually.

About PAN:
The Parkinsons Action Network was formed in 1991 to provide a unified,
national advocacy
voice for the PD community and to promote a level of research support
sufficient to produce
effective treatment and a cure before the end of the decade. There's alot
more to this... by my
hands can't take much more typuing, so I'm cutting allot out!!!

PLEASE   CALL PAN AT 1-800-850-4726. Joan Samuelson is the director (our
leader) - a young-onset Parkinsonian. Joan has been an inspiration for so
many of us!  It'll be
great for you too when you learn a little more about her and the exccitement
of how close we
are tp making the bill "a miracle come true". There isreal hope for us..
respected scientists in
support of the bill have appeared before our fearless federal leaders and
"put it their
reputations on the line for us, explaining how they beliee that with
sufficient federal funding
support, we may reach a cure within 5 years! There's more good stuff.. allot
more!!! Darn my PD is slowing me down..  don't limirt your info to me.. call
PAN.  Join us...
we're broke, we're tired, we're burning out on meds, but so many "Parkies"
and those that with related neuroollogical conditions that will also benefit
from the PD research (Huntingtons, Alzheimers, PSP, .....) are gettng
together in Washington DC once again
this May to remind the legidslators that "we aint invisible no more"... we
want fair dibs on the
fiunds (PD research gets only $28 federal research $ compared to over $100+
that other
diseases (no worse than ours in my opnion) get...

We're in it together

come on...
.........let's jump tu-it!

luv ya!   mhd