

At 10:35 AM 4/9/96 -0400, you wrote:

What is the name of this cream?


Nancy Walker

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>One of you special people mentioned a cream which could be helpful.
>You explained very carefully that one should be careful, etc.  It
>creates heat and one should wash carefully after using so as not to
>touch sensitive parts of your body.  I wrote to the address given.  I
>received a phone call with an 800 number to call.  They were so
>helpful.   To make a long story short, we tried it and it indeed helps.
>He did get a cortizone shot which helped. but the cream seems to
>shorten the time of the pain from the cramps.  Yes, I am grateful and
>feel bad I con't have the name of the original person who posted this.

>Also, he found that upon taking a shower the heat of the shower seemed
>to re-activate the heat of the cream.  I am very cautious and not
>wanting to over use a treatment.  My husband now plans to use a warm
>wash cloth to re-activate the heat of the cream.
>The  800 number to call is
>1 800 800 5710
>Day Pack Pharmaceduial  (I expect I don't have this exactly correctly,
>but you get the idea.)