

Thank you Barbara and Alan for your response to my inquiries concerning =
some of the posts related to Loma Linda.  I agree fully with the "Bottom =
Line" of your comments concerning confidence in a neurosurgeon.  In =
fact, the reason I made a request for additional info concerning these =
posts was with the hope of learning the "whole story" about these posts. =
 It is only with thorough and complete information that one can evaluate =
a neurological procedure, team, or surgeon.  That information may come =
from many sources: scientific papers, medical peers, and patient =
results.  We are fortunate to have this medium for information exchange =
as it allows people like yourselves to "spread the good word" about your =
wonderful results with PVP.  It gives many of us hope!  We are equally =
fortunate to have the opportunity to hear from patients who are not =
quite as lucky as yourselves.  It gives us caution.  The knowledge that =
fosters confidence lies somewhere between that which promotes hope, and =
that which prompts caution.  As myself, I am confident that if my father =
has the chance to have a Loma Linda PVP, it will be a wise decision.  =
However, I will continue to gather information about PVP and Loma Linda =
until the day he goes to the hospital, if only to further educate myself =
of what he may need from his family after the procedure.

Once again, thank you for your response,

Lew Coggins
"Nerka" on the Undernet