

gordon has had two thalatomies, 3 months apart. The first, for his right
side, is a modern medical miracle, tremors all gone. the left is better. His
meds work better, hot flashes gone(that's suppose to be unusual0, some
speech slurring, after second. When we found him in the ICU, feeding himself
lunch, I said, "Well, dear how was it?"
        Absolutely fascinating, he said. That's Gordon.!
        After we found Oregon Medical School and Dr. Burchiel, he did not
        If you can locate OHSU's Home Page, eeicted by the resident, Dr.
Jacques Favre, there is a lot of interesting material.

They will re-do the left side May 8th,.Please feel confident, the results
are wonderful. Gordon actually went flyu-fishing the close of last season--I
never thought I'd see him fish again..At 07:41 PM 4/7/96 -0400, you wrote:
>I'm Patrick, (and an "incomplete" quadriplegic - which means my arms and legs
>only work partially, due to being rear-ended in my car) and my wife, Ann, has
>Parkinsons (diagnosed 1983).
>Ann has (among the rest) severe tremors in both arms and legs, but more on the
>right, and has  pretty well decided to have a thalotomy later this year.
>We would be very glad to hear from anyone who has had this operation - or has
>any relevant data - as the whole idea is relatively terrifying.
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