

Welcome,  Ernie,  to this panel of your Peers !
We hope both you and your  wife,              , will remain " on board."
I printed your posting - my husband and I digested it at breakfast.
1 Stress can  reduce the effect of our medication: (as I understand it)
   the adrenal glands react to stress - fight or flight
   adrenals release acetylcholine
   acetylcholine interferes with dopamine release.( general conception - I'm
   no expert).
2 Eldepryl weaning. I plan to talk it over with my neurologist....not
because of the mortality study (which is being questioned by Peer
Reviewers of several journals),  but because of its (Eldepryl's)  adverse
interaction with medications necessary for surgical procedures.
Have had two unpleasant experiences taking less than adequate
pain killers. Would investigate going "Off" Eldepryl two weeks before
future surgery, if possible.

Stay on board!
[log in to unmask] (Mary Manfredi)