

I have been wanting to ask re. people's exp. with prozac. does anyone have
difficulty telling how the prozac is affecting them with pd? has anyone
experienced big differences by using different anti-d's?
personally i have used prozac on two diff. occasions (altho i do not have
pd) and i found it made me extremely tense, nervous, intensified sleep
problems, headaches, and caused numbness in arms and legs.
i worry about my mother taking the prozac and noone seeming to try her on
anything else, like perhaps amytriptiline, as she has severe sleep, panic,
depression, and various other problems. i find it hard to believe the
prozac is helping her.
any input would be appreciated.
ps. i am overwhelmed with the amount of letters and even have had to take a
break for a few days from this listserv. however, i think it is the best
thing i have experienced on the internet.
i do not live in the same town as my mother and this link to people and
info is very helpful....
i work with computer all day, and so much of it seems worthless until i
open up this group.
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