

For those who primary symptoms were freezing, stiffness, leg pain, toe
How were you prepared medically...
a) was your meds stopped before the op
b) if so, what was the effect on you/your symptoms

I understand for tremor, there would be an immediate reduction/elimation of
the tremor
even while still in the O>R> room, but:

with OCCASSIONAL freezing, stiffness and cramping being the problem
c) how and when did you know that the op was "successful"
d) did you experience the frustration of    waiting   to see if it happened

IMPORTANTLY,  there have been post op complications listed here on the net.
 Would any of you care to share what they were and the ongoing results.  Im
tempted to ask for private email but it is more important that you post your
comments for all the world to see.

Over a period of years,  the meds cause a water retention  i.e. weight gain.
e) what was the protocol for reducing the med dosages.
f) how did your body react to the med dosage changes
g) over how long a period did it take to come down to a regular but reduced
h) was your weight affected  and  how.

As you can probably guess, I'm 30 days away from this miricle of moden
medicine and my concerns (anxiety) are building.

For those of you who answer,  I personally thank you.

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