

<---- Begin Forwarded Message ---->
From: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re:  NPF doctor disappears
To: [log in to unmask]
Cc: [log in to unmask]

Regarding the person who travelled to Miami with a nurse only to be stood up by
the doctor at the National Parkinson Foundation (NPF) with whom she had an
appointment, at a cost of $3,100 down the drain, I would do the following:

1. Write the HEAD of that organization a letter outlining the facts and making a
request for a refund of the funds.  I would be polite but firm. Outline the
contact you've had with them over the past two years. Mention that thousands of
Parkinson's patients and other interested persons and health professionals on
the Parkinson's Disease Information Exchange Network on the Internet are
following your case and are anxiously awaiting its outcome.  Have someone write
the letter for you if you don't feel you're a good letter writer.  Copy your
congressman or woman, the Attorney General of Florida and an attorney.  But
don't even bother to put the ones to the AG or the attorney in the mail.  If you
don't have an attorney just make up a name and put "Esq." (for esquire - formal
name for lawyers used in correspondence) after it.

2. Wait about ten days or so and then write a letter to your congressperson,
again outlining the facts and enclosing a copy of your pervious letter.  Mention
 what response, if any, you got from NPF.  No need to copy anyone on this
letter.  A member of the congressperson's staff will write or call you and tell
you they are looking into it.  They will contact NPF who will respond in short
order.  Any organinzation like that that's regulated by the Feds or relys on
them for funds, no matter how remotely, will have a relatively highly placed
person responsible for responding to "congressionals" as a top priority.
They're gonna have to supply an explantion and the only one I can think of to
use, other than to apologize and send you the money, is to call you a liar.  I
don't think they'll do that.

I would be surprised if this didn't get you at least some of the money back.  I
worked for a federally owned corporation, the Resolution Trust Corporation, for
fours years and learned that people who effectively use their congresspersons
for personal problems, even remotely related to Federal matters, usually get
their way if there is ANY way it can be done.  Forget about the Senators unless
you know one, or know someone who knows one, or you know one has a particular
interest in the issue at hand. They're not running for reelection every two
years.  And an attorney is just going to cost you more money.  You can get the
names and addresses of the head of the NPF and your congressperson at the
library, or maybe just be requesting it over this List.

(I have utilized my congressman's services a number of times over the years and
it works. Also, for health insursance problems cc your state insurance
commissioner and state senator or representative on your letters PLUS the
congressman - and make sure to write to someone HIGH up, the CEO or President
are best.)

I would be happy to draft the letters for you if you don't feel you're up to it
and don't have anyone who can help.  But you would have to give me all the
details of what has happended over the past two years.  It might be better to
have someone near you who can listen to your descriptions write them, but E mail
me at [log in to unmask] if you want my assistance.

B. Bruce Anderson (50yrs, 1yr PD)
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