


Senator Carol Moseley Braun from IL wrote me back she supports the Udall Bill
with more money for Parkinson's Disease, but she didn't say she would
cosponsor.  She said the 1996 budget request increases funding for PD
research to $73.8 million.  She also invited me to constituent coffee which
is held every Thursday at 8:30 a.m. when the Senate is in session.  She said
to contact Elisabeth Mills at (202) 224-2854.  Unfortunately I won't be in
Washington anytime soon.

I also heard from Representative J. Dennis Hastert.  He said the Labor/HHS
Appropriations bill had been passed which increased funding for the NIH to
$11.9 billion an increase of $642 million over last year.  I think that was
the same funding Senator Braun had talked about - not the Morris K Udall
Parkinson's Research, Assistance and Education Act.  Am I correct?

I feel like I'm getting the runaround.

Pam ([log in to unmask])daughter of Ardith 74/9+