

My wife, Barbara, had terrible nausea when initially on Sinemet CR and now
does not usually have a problem.  It does recur if the dosage is increased.

In the book, "Parkinson's Disease" by Roger Duvoisin, MD it says:
"There is a specialized area located in the brainstem....Here is the vomiting
center. It contains nerve cells whose task is to detect the
circulation and to prevent further provoking vomiting to
emprty the stomach and throw out the offending material.

"The vomiting center is sensitive to levodopa...As the blood level of
levodopa rises approximately 30 minutes after a dose, the vomiting center may
be activated.....The vomiting is not due to irritation of the stomach
itself.........After repeated exposure to levodopa the vomiting center
gradually becomes accustomed to its presence and no longer responds to
it.....It is possible to tame the vomiting taking levodopa only
after meals to slow absorption."

Hope this is encouraging.