

        Received letter from Dept. of Health & Human Services. You recall a
while back some of us wrote re: Medicare funding for surgery.
        The gist of it is there was concern about palliditomy without
microelectrode mapping, so the initial decision was to drop Medicre
coverage. They are now reviewing and analyzing scientific studies regarding
all types of pallidotomy. They want to provide clinical practice guidelines
and information regarding safely and efficacy of these procedures.
        This is the Health Care Financig Administration(HCFA) Technology
Advisory Committee(TAC).
        There is no national coverage policy concerning pallidotomy.
Mewdicare contractors have the authority to make coverage decisions on a
case-to case basis. As aresult, local policies will continue until a
nationalcoverage decision is reached.
            This was signed: Cheryl King, Health Insurance Specialist, Dept
of Health & Human Services, 7500 Security Blvd. , Baltimore MD. 21244-1850.
        We did call the Billing Dept of Oregon School and asked at Dr.
Burchiel's office. They said Gordon's next surgery would be pre-authorized
by the timewe got there. (May 8th).
                Thea Lou Seese