

At 04:35  11/04/96 -0400, you wrote:
>Senator Olympia Snowe (R-ME) is going to get a detailed presentation from
>Jane Calderwood and Samantha Cohan, of her Washington staff, on Monday April
>15.>Call me at (207) 797-8488 if you
>>Ivan Suzman ([log in to unmask])
>Hi:  we are very imterested in the Udall bill and wonder what we, as
Canadians, can do.  Is the PD Foundation in Canada making a presentation in
May?  Jack was diagnosed with  Shy-Dragers Symdrome in Jan. '95 and we find
through this list that many of the problems and solutions are the same as
for PD.  Good Luck with your Udall Bill!!
Jack and Joan Martin, Oshawa, Ontario, Canada