

On Mon, 22 Apr 1996 [log in to unmask] wrote:

>                                                                My wife
> with PD did not find sufficient relief from acupuncture, but she did not much
> believe in it and failed to give it a proper chance.

I wish I had saved the New York Times article of a few weeks ago about
the importance of patient attitude in recovery from illness (athough as
you point out, there is no recovery from PD).  I tried accupuncture once
to see whether it would do anything for some PD related pain from
cramps.  It was very relaxing at the time but its effect was short-lived.
What spoiled it for me was the accupuncturist explaining the theory behind
it while I was being stuck.  The story of a mysterious "energy" called
"chi" was to my western mind like saying that elves turn on the light
inside your refrigerator when you open the door, then disappear as the
door is opened.  As good and unprovable an explanation as any.  Anyway,
the reason I raised the question was that a person I know who is receiving
relief for a different condition mentioned that her accupuncturist also
treats PD, and I was curious whether anyone found it useful for any of
the accompanying aches and pains or anything else.