

A My first thought was that I'd just copy the recipie for you and , of
course, I can't find it. I know many on the net have it and will do just
that..What a great example of accessing those archives??
        The concept is taking your daily rationand squashing the pills--the
pharmacy has such gadgets, and mixing it with ascorbic acid(Vitamin C.) or
instant crystals of orange juice we call Tang(There are other ingredients in
Tang). I mixed it in my blender. The calibrated bottle to keep it in we got
while Gordon was in the hospital, but different people here have found
bottles with markings at super-markets,et.
        You then drink the stuff.Oh, lady around the corner mixed hers with
Jello for flavorng and sipped it all day.
        To be honest, Gordon was in bad shape, the medications were working
poorly, drinking it filled him up and he had no room for food and had just
lost 30 pounds. He has since had two surgeries, so takes the meds by pills
again. I think it is like anything, worth a try, helps some and just in
case, I have all the equipment stored away, but I better find the recipie??
        Good luck--Thea Lou Seese--Mrs. Gordon