

Thanks to all who replied to my question about the transferability of
handicapped placards.  The rational mind told me that we shouldn't encounter
any problems, but I know of few governments that are in their rational

I'll try to let everyone know how our vacation goes.  Dad's in pretty decent
health and mobility, as things go, but I know that he'll put some undue
stress on himself wanting his body to "be on its best behavior".  I've got
to figure out some way to tell him this is supposed to be a vacation for his
body, as well as his mind!

We leave for the beach in mid-June.  Between now and then we've got to get
the folks moved and settled into their new home (a retirement community
affiliated with a nursing home, "for when that time comes" (Dad's words.))
 You'd think they were moving across the country, instead of across town!

Thanks again!

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