

I've had diabetes since I was 19 yo(27 years) and there is no family =
history.  I've had PD for two years and there is no family history of =
that either.  So I must be the mutant freak of the family!!

The interesting connection for me is that the symptoms of hypoglycemia =
that I used to get are very similar to those I now get with PD.  I've =
been caught a few times with what I thought were worsening PD symptoms =
which were in fact low blood sugar episodes - I'm getting wise to that =
one now so I keep an eye out for it.  However I miss the days when =
something sugary would cure my shakes and slurred speech!!

By the way cay anybody tell me other names for fava beans.  I've been =
given all sorts of wrong information in health food shops.

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