

Hello Dawn,  the reply you received from Gordon Seece is quite accurate.  Ive
been on LS since November and I can give you my "prescription"

10 25/100 per day
each 25/100 = 100ml/cc of OJ.   OJ seems to breakdown the pills   water does
so, 10 25/100's into 100ml/cc
I do not add ascorbic acid anymore, it made my stomach upset

I have recently begun to add two packages of Sweet and Low  (substitute
to add a little sweetness to the acid juice.  MUCH BETTER TASTING.

Since my first dose is at 0600 and my last about 20:00 counting the 0600 as a
dose, the total hours are 15. As Gordon said, both he and I double dose at
0600 as a kick start. ( I found that is better to eat something at that time
also...toast, dry cereal etc. It prevents a bad stomach.)   That brings the
total hours to 16.   1000ml */* 16 = roughly 60ml/cc per hour.

Sometimes my symptoms (freezing, foot/leg cramping)  are bad,  so I take a
1/2 dose drink every 1/2 hour.  It seems to reduce the symptoms and make them
not last as long.

Its difficult to live by the clock,  however,  If you are eating around the
top of the hour, or its inconvenient,  dont worry, Just double up when its
convenient.  As long as you finish the bottle each night its ok.  BTW its
better when the drink is cold.

Almost forgot,  sometimes my stomach acts up because of the acidity.  On
those days, I swig a little MYLANTA or any  (ANTI GAS, STOMACH COATING
LIQUID) three times a day.

Hope this help a little,  where are you in Australia??