

I'm new to both the internet and Parkinson's.  We just found out my 64
year old husband has Parkinson's.  His Rheumathologist had been treating
him for over a year for "arthritis of the spine"--that being her reasoning
that he couldn't stand up straight.  He started shuffling his feet and
not being able to dress himself when our family Dr. decided to run some
other tests.  Then we were told he was just having strokes and there
wasn't anything we could do.  This man is my life...I just couldn't be
satisfied with that I insisted he refer us to a nuerologist.
This Dr. immediately told us he had Parkinson's.  He started him on
Sinnet (hope I spelled that right) and in 4 days we saw such a big improve-
ment.  Now he is on ep....(lost that one) and is doing really well.
        He can dress himself now, drive ok (we were having *big* problems
with his driving..., walking is improved, and he is beginning to swing his
arms again.  He's up to walking 2 miles a day.  Hopefully we are on the
right track now.
        I would appreciate any hint, helps, etc. in ways to help him.
Our main problem at this time is constipation..(nothing's sacred anymore,
is it? ha. Ha..., but it is our big problem.
        I am really happy that I have found someone to talk with.  We
new nothing of the disease until we were told that is what he has.  I
have Lupus and Fibromaylgia, so we need any kind of hints that can ease
my problems with him.

Thanks and God Bless.