

Following are excerpts of just a few of the great notes taken by Parkinsons
Advocate A.J. Conovaloff, Sun City Arizona from his attendance at last year's
PAN Forum. I thought his mention of the book "THE FROZEN ADDICTS" deserves
reposting - we have many newly diagosed that may not know of it. Thanks AJ,
ya done good.


"The Case of the Frozen Addicts"
How the solution of an extraordinary medical mystery spawned a revolution in
the understanding and treatment of Parkinson's Disease.
by J. William Lanston, MD, and Jon Palfreman.

Inside dust cover: In the summer of 1982, hospital emergency rooms in the San
Francisco Bay Area were suddenly confronted with mysteriously "frozen"
patients -- young men and women who, through conscious, could neither movenor
speak. Doctors were baffled, until neurologist J. William Langston,recognized
the symptoms of advanced Parkinson's disease, administered L-dopa -- the only
known effective treatment -- and "unfroze" his patient.  Dr. Langston
determined that this patient and five others had all used the same tainted
batch of synthetic heroin, inadvertently laced with a toxin that had
destroyed an area of their brains essential to normal movement. This same
area, the substantia nigra, slowly deteriorates in Parkinson's disease.  As
scientists raced to capitalize on this breakthrough, Dr. Langston struggled
to salvage the lives of his frozen patients, for whom L-dopa provided only
short-term relief. The solution he found lay in the most daring area of
research: fetal-tissue transplants. The astonishing recovery of two of his
patients garnered worldwide press coverage, helped overturn federal
restrictions on fetal-tissue research, and offered hope to millions suffering
from Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and other degenerative brain disorders.  This
is the story behind the headline -- a spellbinding account that brings to
life the intellectual excitement, ethical dilemmas, and fierce
competitiveness of medical research. "The Case of the Frozen Addicts"
illuminates how the solution to a baffling mystery of the brain's chemistry
opened a new frontier in medicine and restored life to people without hope.
J. WILLIAM LANGSTON, MD, is president of the Parkinson's Institute in
Sunnyvale, California, and director of its basic research programs. An
internationally recognized authority on Parkinson's disease, Dr. Langstom is
also the editor of the journal Neurodegeneration, and chairman of The
Parkinson's Epidemiology Research Committee.

JON PALFREMAN is an award-winning writer and producer of medical and
scientific documentaries. He is a senior producer at WGBH television in
Boston. Published by Pantheon Books, New York.
ISBN 0-679-42465-2  (sugg retail: $25 USA, $35 Canada)
Check your local bookstores and/or libraries.
1. Again typed by A.J. Conovaloff on Margaret Monty's and Bob Martone's
laptops, posted by Bob (Board member, Houston, TX, Area Parkinson's Society).
2. A colorful PD informative computer presentation/slide show for MS-DOS has
been prepared by Jim Cordy using PAN and other data, and the program Lotus
Freelance. We showed the program on Margaret's and Bob's color laptops. The
presentation is excellent for support group advocacy education. It can be
viewed on a color computer, as overhead transparencies, color slides, on
paper, and, we hope, on the WWW. Copies from ([log in to unmask]), or Jim
Cordy, 412-521-9584 (PA). It helps if you'd send a blank disk and a return
diskette envelope, or $2-3 to cover costs .