

  " Evidence has recently been published to support this hypothesis of
  " Demerol-Eldeprel interaction. This may be sufficient for Eldeprel to be
  " removed from the roster of anti-PD drugs.  Demerol is a difficult enough
  " analgesic  to use without adding another source of threat to life.

But why choose Eldepryl for removal --- maybe it would be better to
remove Demerol from the roster of analgesics. I suspect strongly that
Demerol caused, or more likely, was the trigger that initiated my
Parkinson's disease. Mine, and many other cases, were diagnosed within a
few months after a trauma, such as an auto accident, when Demerol had
been used as a pain-killer.

This, of course, is only anecdotal evidence, and I am not an authority,
but as one RN said on this matter, why take a chance? There are a lot of
other analgesics available. A few other authorities sympathize with that

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