

My Mother is 62 years old and has PD approximately 7 years.
She is on sinemet for the PD and pamelar for the depression
associated with PD.  She has, over the last year or so, show
increasing signs of confusion, intense anxiety,
forgetfulness, moderate to extreme paranoia and eccentric
behavior ( she will not sleep in her bedroom, she sleeps on
the couch in the living room) and so on.  I called her
doctor and asked how you tell the difference between
dementia caused by PD and the side effects of the
medication.  He basically said you really couldn't but that
he want to rule out any other medical causes for her
behavior.  He did a battery of tests which have all come
back negative. No brain tumor, no signs of strokes etc.  He
spoke with my sister and told her however, that my mom's
brain is growing smaller and she definitely has dementia.
THis may sound like a dumb question, but can anyone tell me
exactly what that means?  What does her brain growing
smaller mean in terms of her functioning on a daily basis?
Is this common among PD patients?  Is her brain growing
smaller a precursor to a pattern of behavior and if so,
what? Is there any effective type of treatment for this
condition?  Any information you can give me would be very
helpful.  We have tried to get her to see other doctors and
she absolutely refuses.  Thanks for your time!