

Ricky Slaughter wrote:

>When pressed for the cause of his PD they have said:*probably* trauma induced.

>The fact is, the tremors (right hand) began shortly after shoulder surgery
>and have progressed since.None of the PD MDs will entertain (admit?) a
>to the surgery and I have no cause or credentials to challenge them.(I have
>no axe to grind here, but I feel that I'm in an information vacuum.) I have
>heard of similar cases and would like to hear from anyone with information
>re-lated to the topic.

I think many of us can point to an "incident" that triggered onset of
symptoms of the underlying condition. Many times it's surgery or the flu, or
even emotional trauma. I onset after an unusually virulent flu, and waited
for years for "these strange flu symptoms to reverse" until diagnosis 5
years later.

There is a child/fantasy belief still in me that if I can only catch the
right "opposite" flu, it will all get better. Still waiting.....

Interesting, I have read research that since a virus is one of the few
things that can cross the blood brain barrier, some have considered
piggy-backing neurotropics etc on a virus to deliver the "good stuff" to the
site where it's needed. Has reality finally gotten stranger than dreams? We
all know the answer to that one!

Kathie Tollifson
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