

At 01:06  30/04/96 -0400, Camilla Flintermann wrote:
>Re: Demerol--I'm not a fan, myself, since an experience (as a non-PDer)
>in hospital after breaking a leg. The nurses relieved my pain every night
>or oftener with Demerol, always shooting me in the same spot on my thigh,
>and thsat spot was totally NUMB for a year afterwards! Pretty powerful
>stuff!If you have it, at least vary the location :-(
>Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter,77/+6+ Oxford,OH <[log in to unmask]>

In 1972 ( before PD) after having a thoracotomy, I was given Demerol
injections for pain. It caused hallucinations - I thought I was in the
morgue and men were coming to get me, and I yelled and screamed all night.
The nurses were really impressed. The next day I was given Demerol in pill
form and became violently sick to my stomach. Another gold star from the

In 1989 I had a hysterectomy and my gynaecologist chose morphine for pain
because of my previous experience with Demerol. It was wonderful. After each
injection, I became very warm and went to sleep.

Needless to say, I am not a fan of Demerol either. In 1993 I was diagnosed
with PD, though I now know I was showing symptoms for at least 3 years and
probably more. Because I take Eldepryl, I wear a Medic Alert bracelet which
indicates Demerol is not to be given. As to how morphine would act now that
I am on PD medications, I don't know.

Keep well,
