

Barbara's Meniere was diagnosed over ten years ago by an ENT (Ear, nose, and
throat) specialist. Treatment consist generally of decongestant and
anti-vertigo medication.
Parkinson's was diagnosed in 1989, several years later by a neurologist who
overdosed her with Sinemet. After switching to another neurologist, Sinemet
was reduced and Permax added.  Strangely enough, the Meniere symptoms have
not recurred since.
Barbara was recently subjected to two major abdominal operations and during
that time was anesthetized with Demerol. She went back to her Sinemet/Permax
etc. immediately after the operations, and the narcotic was allowed to wear
off. Then she was switched to morphine for control of pain.  No adverse
reaction was noted from this combination at the time.
Of course, a few prayers and crossed fingers helped a lot too.
