

To respond to the question about ADHD in families with PD, my father-in-law's
family, 75/8, has no such history to my knowledge.

Also, is anyone familiar with the report on the drug GDNF, developed by
Amgen, that appeared in the Wall Street Journal on March 21, 1996.  My
mother-in-law asked me to post this question to ya'll.  The article says that
GDNF "appears to reverse the disease's progression."

We continue to treat Bud with ECT and Sinemet, we actually have seen a
considerable improvement since his last treatment three days ago.  But he
definitely slips after 10-14 days.  I think it helps with his depression as much
as with the PD.

They return to NY (Long Island) in about three weeks, so we're full of anxiety
and hope that there will be no digression.  We're also hopeful that the eye
surgery my mother-in-law will complete tomorrow restores some of her vision.
Thanks for being there.
